

Bravecto spot-on for dogs - treats fleas and ticks

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Bravecto spot-on for dogs - treats fleas and ticks
Bravecto spot-on for dogs - treats fleas and ticks
Bravecto spot-on for dogs - treats fleas and ticks
Bravecto spot-on for dogs - treats fleas and ticks
Bravecto spot-on for dogs - treats fleas and ticks
Bravecto spot-on for dogs - treats fleas and ticks
Bravecto spot-on for dogs - treats fleas and ticks
Bravecto spot-on for dogs - treats fleas and ticks

Bravecto is available as a spot-on flea and tick treatment for dogs – providing 6 months protection and 4 months tick protection.


Why choose Bravecto spot-on for your dog:

  • Long lasting, flea and tick protection for dogs.
  • Treat every 6 months for flea protection. Less frequent dosing makes it easier to treat dogs. Only 2 doses a year.
  • Rapid onset of action and long lasting protection against fleas on your dog with no viable egg production.
  • Aligns with quarterly worming.
  • Effective against sarcoptes, ear mite and demodex mite after a single treatment.
  • Dog may swim or be bathed 3 days after treatment.
  • Safe for use in breeding, pregnant and lactating dogs, as well as MDR1 breeds, like collies.
  • Available for dogs in 5 weight ranges from 2 to 56 kg.


Active Ingredients
Bravecto contains fluralaner.

Bravecto spot-on solution should be administered in accordance with the following (corresponding to a dose of 40 – 94 mg fluralaner/kg body weight):

Bodyweight (kg) of dog
Very Small (2* – 4.5kgs) Bravecto 112.5 mg
Small (> 4.5 – 10kgs) Bravecto 250 mg
Medium (> 10 – 20kgs) Bravecto 500 mg
Large (> 20 – 40kgs) Bravecto 1000 mg
Very Large (> 40 – 56kgs) Bravecto 1400 mg

*For use in dogs from 8 weeks of age and over 2kg.

For optimal control of flea infestation, the Bravecto spot-on should be administered at 6 monthly intervals. Bravecto spot-on can be administered all year round.

Additional Information 
Pack Sizes: 
1 x single dose packs 


No adverse reactions were observed following topical administration to puppies aged 8-9 weeks and weighing 2.0-3.7 kg treated with overdoses of up to 5 times the maximum recommended dose (56 mg, 168 mg and 280 mg fluralaner/kg body weight) on three occasions at shorter intervals than recommended (8-week intervals).

The safety of fluralaner in breeding, pregnant and lactating dogs has been demonstrated. Bravecto spot-on can be used in breeding, pregnant and lactating dogs. There were no findings on reproductive performance and no findings of concern on offspring viability when fluralaner was administered orally to Beagle dogs at overdoses of up to 3 times the maximum recommended dose (up to 168 mg/kg body weight of fluralaner).

Fluralaner was well tolerated in Collies with a deficient multidrug-resistance-protein 1 (MDR1 -/-) following single oral administration at 3 times the maximum recommended dose (168 mg/kg body weight). No treatment-related clinical signs were observed.

Less than 1.5% of dogs treated in clinical trials developed mild and transient skin reactions such as erythema (reddened skin) or hair loss at the application site.

Fluralaner is part of the isoxazoline family of chemicals. Adverse reactions to this family of chemicals are rarely observed but may include vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, inappetence, itching and very rarely neurological signs including tremors, ataxia and seizures. Most adverse reactions are self-limiting and of short duration. If you have any concerns, please speak to your veterinarian.

If hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients is known or suspected, do not use this product.

The safety has not been established in puppies less than 8 weeks old and/or dogs weighing less than 2 kg. The safety has not been established for treatment with this product when administered at intervals shorter than 8 weeks.

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