

Animo® - Activity & Behaviour Monitor

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Animo® - Activity & Behaviour Monitor
Animo® - Activity & Behaviour Monitor
Animo® - Activity & Behaviour Monitor
Animo® - Activity & Behaviour Monitor
Animo® - Activity & Behaviour Monitor
Animo® - Activity & Behaviour Monitor
Animo® - Activity & Behaviour Monitor
Animo® - Activity & Behaviour Monitor

Connect to your dog and get a better understanding of their day straight to your smartphone with Animo®.

Animo® tracks the total time in hours and minutes that your dog is active each day, so you can ensure they get enough exercise to lead a healthy lifestyle. Animo® will start to collect information as soon as it is attached to your dog’s collar. After a 7-day period where the device learns your dog’s “normal” levels of activity, you can start setting daily activity goals. If activity is set as your favourite goal in the app, you will receive a notification when your dog reaches that goal, and the goal will be marked as complete on the dashboard.

The Animo® is lightweight, waterproof and a small comfortable size to suit any size dog. It has a 6-month battery life, taking away the need for daily charging. You can give access to friends and family via the Animo® app so that everyone in your household can keep up to date on your pup's activities.

Animo® sends alerts if your dog begins to show significant changes in behaviour including barking, scratching and shaking. Historical alerts are marked in the calendar bar making it easy to notice behavioural patterns. You can also discover long-term changes in your dog’s sleep, where a decrease in quality may be a sign of arthritis or other environmental factors which is disturbing your dog at night.

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